as for other players attacks all gets their share as is normal as a reward of participation on the attacks it selfs
Posts by Yog1111
each player has 5 nomadas to attack for extra resources for free, it happens that sometimes some members of the tribe still weak in troops need the help of other members to be able to attack for good resources, the help of the members is done through the horus in which the player attacks with his troops and his companions, the game is made in such a way that the system divides the resources by all the attackers according to their strength or number of troops they borrowed--- it turns out that the resources of the 5 nomads belong to the attacking player (that's your 5 daily nomadas) so your colleagues must return the resources to the attacker, because they only ceded their troops as an aid to the attack and not to take advantage of their resources, so the whole tribe can help each other daily , helping , giving back resources so that the whole tribe can grow up to play honestly , who in this help system keep the resources returned from attacks on nomads is a dishonest player who gives he must be killed and expelled from the tribe immediately.
A question:
If I send an army with NO transport capacity to another player's Horus, and he uses that army as part of an attack on a nomad camp (adding his own transport), will it still "share" loot with me (i.e. subtract from the loot the other player will get)?
can not enter as a new player thouse servers and have army enough to a player for sure is high considering get the tribe members resources "2for helping them" , will be merge, always is ,sooner or later .. dont worrie we will meet , and good for me i have a team who dont cares to lose all troops to take a pig like you down
adults , insul on GC because they are spyed and attacked on a killing and pillage game? dont think so! if you are a man play with your mouth shut, there will be merges some day will see you there
simulator is not working fine from yesterday, me and some members lost lots K army on some nomade , whenn on simulation was supose be some units as usual
i dont know who you are , but hope someone does and killyou over and over, if i find out who you are , and you have bad luck of be playing same server as me will hunt you like a dog, thats what you deserve for be a desonest , no caracter pig robbing the mates resources shame on you , i am sure you are aso big groing with otheres resources ,you deverve be hunted till you quit the game. people like you give me vomit dont know play the fucking game and rob other so can grow. get a barain and learn playing by your self you stupid man
the sistem it self makes a share resources from all attack using more then one player on attack, for others players attacks yes the normal is taking everyone his share as all contribute on attack and also for some losts, ON NOMADE ATTACKS YOUR ARE HELPING A TRIBE MEMBER A FRIEND HITING ----------- HIS OWN NOMADE-------------- the 5 ones he have dailly as everybody, this kind help shpuldnt be payed as IS NORNAL AND NECESSARY TRIBE HELP-- that why we have tribe------- NOT TO ROB US AND YES GET HELP TO GROW! so yes you are taking advantage or ignorance and incent players to get their resources for your self , your a desonest person and hope everybody read this and leave you playing alone . you are not a good person, on my tribe help and heal from my pocket the losts so the small get all their resources and grow fast your just a moron pig, taking others resources shpuld be banned for that
or maybe other players no metter the age playing to have fun and time some "pigs" leave the game for good as only have fun insulting others for no reazon, and get a head doctor to tell them is only a game..
yes , but the player have to send back the resources , he only lend the troops to help on attack the resources belong to the owner of the nomade, if not , his partner tribe is robbing his resources if that is hapning get out that tribe fast and play with honest players , your resources are yours only
get a real life man, let play in peace who just wants to have fun playing the game
ya seria hora de que tomen medidas de verdad y te echen asi cientos de jugadores dejariamos de ser acosados y agraviados y hostigados por todos ustedes que se toman un juego virtual como algo personal y lo que deberia ser una diversion en un juego estresante y casi violento has logrado desquiciar a cientos de buenas personas no es justo pues que nos echen a todos y te quedas sola de una ves si es lo que quieren los organizadores
Bem, se você convidar a tabela de classificação para cima e para baixo e levar todos para cima e para baixo...
...hahaha man soll auch bei irgendwas Nr.1 sein.
aber wie ich sehe viele kommen und aufgeben... sobald etwas schief läuft. Eine Charakter Sache... andere bekommen ein Acc. für Geld oder als Geschenk und protzen. Na ja... gut das wir nicht in RL kennen...
Csarius war, ist und bleibt eine Katastrophe he is n1 yes the moast attacked tribe on all server ahahahah nice farm they all are keep on the good job , we all thank you :)) avé cesarius -
porque não bloqueiam esse porco no perfil? este tipo de frustrados precisa de atenção e protagonismo, se o bloquearem podem conviver saudavelmente no chat geral sem que ele vos possa ler, o fulano vai te um ataque de nervos jajajajaja ser posto de lado pra gente como ele é o pior que se pode fazer , não haver reacção do outro lado usem a cabeça, e tambem se podem juntar e mata-lo, mesmo que voces tambem percam muita tropa mas continuo a achar que bloque-lo no perfil o vai deixar miseravelmente infeliz e frustrado quando perceber que ninguemlhe responde mais , porque ele "não existe" mais no chat geral jajajaja
The general chat has long been a place for the exchange of ideas and healthy interaction between players, it has become a place for an authentic battle of insults and provocations sponsored by a handful of frustrated, unloved, authentic "people" energumenos without personality education and character, use and abuse the fact of being "protected" behind the pc, because only then can they be "people" compacting, feeding and encouraging hate racism, homophobia, xenophobia among others, that is, everything that it is unworthy in a society called normal that, fortunately, most players still come to play the game to be distracted and talk a little as a distraction from the so-called "real life". blocking the game for a few days does not come as a punishment for these abusers who, even when they are blocked from messages, always find a friend or member of the tribe to "pass their messages through the private or CG to anyone they want to offend, I think it's in the time for ADM to take serious action in this situation, as virtual bulling is a crime! I VOTE TO END THE GENERAL CHAT, the players have the tribe chat and private messages for a healthy tribe and their friends through of private messages… stop the growing growth of people without their own life, the only joy they have is to slaughter others without reason.
yes i did, never thought about aply also to the map, in 4 or 5 day will be an empty server , is a shame i never saw so many players same time same server , forcing everybody stay home , is taking away a chance of survive, all are seating ducks, dont think people stay for long in this conditions