cyager69 Professional
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Pretože som bol napadnutý, tak som liečil armádu. Vyliečených a čerstvo naverbovaných vojakov som posielal na podporu slabým hráčom. Nielen aby som ochránil slabších členov kmeňa pred útokmi v seberovných, ale aby som ochránil aj svojich vojakov. Napriek tomu slabých hráčov napadol miliónový hráč. Predpokladám, že to mohol urobiť práve preto, že tam boli moje podpory. Takže som vlastne slabších členov kmeňa neochránil, ale naopak. Spôsobil som ich zničenie už na začiatku hier. Zároveň som zistil, že prakticky neexistuje žiadna možnosť opravy armády a preto napadnutý / porazený hráč tak už nemá základnú motiváciu v hre pokračovať. Hral som na nejakom staršom serveri a bol som zničený prakticky na začiatku hier. 20.000 vojakov napadlo mojich 12.000 a nepomohli ani vysoké hradby. Straty nepriateľa 5 vojakov ja komplet. Nedávalo to logiku. Napísal som to administrátorom a ten mi po čase odporučil server Philae, kde vraj bude väčšia ochrana pred útokmi. Nuž, ako som zistil, tak nie je. Dlho si na mňa nikto netrúfol až raz v noci prišla armáda zložená z troch hráčov v pomere 290 000 ku 220 000 mojich. Oni straty nič moji panáci padli všetci. Po troch dňoch ďalší útok. Tých pár tisíc vyliečených a nových verbovancov nemalo šancu. Tak som ich týždeň schovával u slabých hráčov a dnes v noci ich vyraboval hráč zo 14. pozície (7 miliónov bodov). Bez problémov napadol hráča na 1.033. pozícii / 18.800 bodov len preto, lebo som tam mal svojich panákov ako podporu.
PS: nedáva to žiadny zmysel, ani logiku, pretože potom taký hráč nemá motiváciu pokračovať v hre a servery postupne strácajú hráčov. Osobne nevidím žiadny ďalší zmysel pokračovať v hre, v ktorej už nie je žiadna iná šanca brániť seba, či iných členov kmeňa. A takto sa celkom zaujímavý nápad vytvorí tento druh hry úplne mení v nelogickú blbosť. -
hi there thankyou for answering my question. and just one more question if I may ?? are a lot of people stil playing this game ??? I dont know how long its been available ?
thankyou again.
I am on the Giza server which was the second server for this game. The earlier the server, the less people are still active. Most have become farmers on the older servers. The game discourages long term play as the rewards get smaller and the nomad camps max out at level 9. The people who own this game are just interested in getting people to play the new servers which they bring out every two months in hopes of getting them to spend more money on the game. The older servers are cluttered with players who have quit so the board is a mess and the people who run the game refuse to clean them up. Another way of discouraging players to stay on a server. I have been playing for over a year and have been in the number one spot for the last few months on Giza.
ok fair enough= so if I have joined only in the last weeks I would be on a new server ? I assume. that is not a good thing ? do you think ? I quite enjoy it so far- but dont want to get sucked into all the drama of it- and you say you are on Giza ? what is Giza exactly - ?? hope you dont mind me asking questions ?? thankyou
New players should always go to the newest server, in order to get the most out of the game. When you sign into Anocris there will be a list at the top of the page next to password. Click on the arrow and you can choose from the list of servers. The server at the bottom will always be the newest game. Since the newest server will be the game where the players are all starting from scratch, it gives you the best chance of being competitive. It is a fun game but don't get suckered into spending a lot of money because the higher you go the less competitive it becomes.
I have watched your comments carefully and read with pleasure.
What annoys me and am sure you will agree is those who go into constant "protection mode " and pay a fortune (hahaha ) more fool them
They build and get bigger but soon enough will be defeated ( 1 decent attack on them and most quit only to pay / play another domain and go down same downhill path)..............
pity the do no understand that they ( paying players ) are only feeding the ones ( so called Developers ) who themselves are destroying the game with no further developments to enhance the game on the whole for a majority who do not " invest " in the game......
Or have i got it wrong ?