What is required for the Valley festival?

  • you can find it here:


    it will only last 30 minutes, so you need to rush to see, once used you will have to wait 7 days before being able to use again

    you will need pearls to activate, 10 green, 3 blue, 2 pink

    the pinks are hardest to get BTW

    it can only be used and purchased with pearls, we usually get access to the pearls once every 2-3 months.

    until then, can't get or use them

    also when the pearls are available, if at the end of the launch, any pearls not used are kept in your account, even though you won't see them, until they launch the festivals again, so they are not lost, just banked until the next time the developers decide to make them available

  • The next Treasures of Tutankhamun should be starting within the next 30 days if they keep to their schedule. If you click on the community topic at the top of the page under your language the first topic of news will list all of the past dates when the Treasures of Tutankhamun have occurred.