changing troop healing time

  • The time of treatment of the army suddenly increased several times.
    Healing anubis, scorpions, medsaias and Ra suddenly started taking me 6x longer than the weekend.
    I do not have any blessings turned on, and from today the army, instead of treating me for 1 day with a piece, is now going to heal a week.

  • I don't know which of the admins is playing and playing with the server settings (asyut), because the treatment time has increased again x2 and instead of treating the army, I will be treating 2 weeks for a week ... sorry, but you can make such eggs on some private servers ... not in a game where people pay for bonuses ...

  • And again something has been changed .... treatment instead of 11 days (this is how long it takes for me) is to last 1 day ... so you have to turn off and start again: / some mockery about this time ... 2 days wasted because it's already would have cured a long time ago: /

  • The owners will continue to tweak the system against the players very slowly hoping that the majority will not notice and then claim it must have been a glitch. Remember that the mods don't work for the players, just the owners.