Late game content

  • Just wondering what the late game content, if there is any, looks like.

    I've been here a few weeks now and I have some concerns. It looks like it's just build up, join a tribe, raid. But there are a few issues surrounding that. for starters I'm already within the top 300 on my server, which means there are very little players here. (Yet new servers are being announced?) Raiding is not that fun when you only raid between the same few people.
    The disparity between the top tribe and the second tribe is enormous - which makes them pretty unraidable, in a game where raiding is the only thing to do. This isn't really their fault, but a game based on raiding should have something to deal with this - either limit size, or having other non-raid content to engage with.

    I also seem to be in this forever tutorial lol I'm wondering if it's worth continuing on playing, and would like to know what the later stages of the game look like. If it's more of the same then I might decide whether to bail now or not, or try to push for new content.

  • The further along you go the worse it gets. Leveling up only gets more expensive and the rewards keep decreasing. This game has been online for nearly 2 years and more people have left than still play. Improvements are not coming and any suggestions for making the game better are tucked away with the developers who are working on the next game for lionmoon. Games are a big business on the internet and as soon as the money slows down there will probably be an announcement that a new game will be starting and this one will just disappear.

  • Tentlan did not disappear when they started Anocris. If they do start a new game people will be free to go and play it but I believe Tentlan and Anocris are here to stay. Hopefully the Forum Board will never go away as it seems the only vehicle for some who desperately need it.

  • Tentlan and Anocris are both very much here to stay, and as a matter of fact we are not currently working on the "next game", all of our resources are dedicated to the next major revamp of both existing games at the moment (this will take time to be unveiled, but work is absolutely underway).

  • Tentlan and Anocris are both very much here to stay, and as a matter of fact we are not currently working on the "next game", all of our resources are dedicated to the next major revamp of both existing games at the moment (this will take time to be unveiled, but work is absolutely underway).

    that's great, but do you even check the forum from tentlan anymore, except the announcements?